How to Added Images to a Droppics Gallery

- Login with Username & Password
- Click "Components" --> "Droppics" from the top menu
- Click on the name of the gallery you want to add photos to from the menu on the left side
- After its selected, click the blue "Select Files" button, select the files from you computer you want to add, and click "Open"
- They will start uploading with green check marks, once finished check that they were added on the live site. You might have to refresh the gallery page in order to see them.

Adding an Event to the Calendar:

- Login with Username & Password
- Click "Components" --> "JEvents" from the top menu
- Click on "Manage Events"
- Click the green "New" button
- Enter Title & Description in the specified fields
- Click on the "Calendar" tab above the title field to enter the Date, Time, etc.
- Hit "Save & Close"

Adding an MP3:

- Login with Username & Password
First, upload your new MP3 file
- Click "Content" --> "Media" from the top menu
- Click on the "MP3s" Folder
- Click "Create New Folder"
- Type in the name of the folder (EX: "NewFolder") in the field that pops up (make sure there are no spaces) and hit "Create Folder"
- Click on the new folder you just created to open it
- Click the green "Upload" button, click "Browse" and select the file you want to upload, then click the blue "Start Upload" button
- Your new file should appear within the new folder you just created
Next, create a new article within the media category you are adding to
- Click "Content" --> "Articles"
- Click the "Search Tools" dropdown button, in the "Select Category" field select the media category you are adding a new item to - this will display all the articles within that category
- Open one of the past articles by clicking on it, once opened go ahead and copy all of the content displayed. Click the "Save & New" button, once a new article opens, paste that content there. We are just going to change out the specifics but keep the formatting the same as the other articles. The  things we need to change are - the article title and the media folder name.
- At the top of the article in the "Title" field, add your new title
- At the bottom of the article, there is a line of text (EX: {music}images/MP3s/AllIn2017{/music}) - the only thing we are changing here is the last part "AllIn2017" this is where the name of the folder you created will go, type in the name of your new folder (EX: {music}images/MP3s/NewFolder{/music}) to match exactly how it is back in the Media Manager

- Hit "Save & Close"

How to update an WK Accordion on your Site:

- Login with Username & Password
- Go to "Components" --> "Widgetkit" from the top menu
- Under "Accordion" open up the accordion you want to edit
You will see different boxes with each accordion item going from most recent starting from the top
- To add a new item, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and click the "Add New Item" button
- Enter the date in the "Title" field and copy & paste your text for the item into the "Content" field
- Now to move it to the top of the list for the correct order, look on the right side of the page, you might have to scroll up a bit to see the list of all the items on the right side
- Click and drag the last item on the list to the top and then it will show as the most recent
- Hit the green "Save" button and check it out on the site